Triebener Tauern

Good friends sent me beautiful photos of healthy, green forests from their hikes in the Triebener Tauern area. They too are nature lovers, respect nature and share their experiences with other forest protectors. Naturliebhaber

These attractive nature pictures can be found on the website of my Webmaster, Gerald at:

Despite this, I can see from the photos the cleared forest areas and I am convinced that in former times, there were more trees on the slopes!

Our natural, water-rich forests should not be taken for granted! Our children and grandchildren should be able to drink clean, pure water!

Friedrich, who took these lovely photos, is also a forest protector. He can be contacted via his website: He also has a website “Friedrichs Gartenjahr” which he administers jointly with Gerald. My thanks go to these two nature lovers for providing the beautiful photos!

My wish:
All hikers/walkers should be able to enjoy an intact nature for a very long time and should pay attention to the importance of trees!

TIP: The active supporter group is growing!  Another committed tree protector is attempting to draw the attention of people to the importance of healthy forests at:  “Bäume sind unser Leben” (“Trees are our Life”).

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