Trees in the Baltic Region

During a bus trip through the Baltic region, we were able to admire healthy nature, forests and trees. Healthy, fresh and green trees were to be found in the towns and cities, not only in the forest areas. We also enjoyed beautiful natural wetland areas.
Grünes BaltikumGrünes BaltikumGrünes Baltikum

We were appalled, however, at the destruction caused to a forest by a colony of birds!

Thousands of cormorants find here their ideal habitat!

Many years ago, a large section of forest was destroyed by fire and nature has returned to take care of the re-forestation. In order to prevent such destruction in the future, fire breaks have been created: A large, clear strip of land ensures that the fire cannot jump to the next section of forest. A successful project!

One can rest easy!

Hopefully, the Baltic region will remain a natural treasure for many generations to come!

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