Forests – a specific subject

At a New Secondary School in Liesing in Vienna, the subject “Forests” is being taught. The pupils regularly undertake field visits with the specialist teachers to study the woods.

You can obtain more detailed information about this flagship project at:

We were very pleased to receive this information from our friend Gerald who is also passionate about protecting our forests. He recognizes the important function of the forests for our survival.

My wish: That this school type finds many imitators!

Balcony planting

Message from a friend:
Congratulations on your great idea. I tip my hat for your commitment.
An easy way to plant a tree for everybody who doesn’t own a garden or a field is to plant it in a pot on the balcony. I will try it and then I will send you a picture.
Good Luck Christine

This is a great idea for everybody who has no other opportunity to plant a tree.