
A dear friend and acquaintance of mine had a lot of storm damage and completely cleared his forest and subsequently re-forested it. He used seedlings bought from the neighbouring tree nursery: 200 saplings comprising 50 each copper beeches, maple trees, birch trees and cherry trees.
My friend not only wants to contribute to maintaining a healthy environment, he also wants his two grandchildren to inherit a vigorous forest.











Thank you for your contribution to the next generation!

Beautiful landscape pictures – healthy forest

Holiday travel through green countryside with a healthy proportion of forest.


Hiking in the summer

Beautiful healthy trees and well-kept trails invite you to a long distance walk or even a day of hiking.


Pictures of: neglected forest area, forgotten trunks, undergrowth beside the path, storm damage, sick tree, young forest

Hives along the way and plenty of healthy busy bees

In this healthy forest delicious honey is produced!