Spring Awakening

I can barely await the awakening of spring after the long winter. That’s why I particularly enjoy the sight of flowering fruit trees in the fields and meadows.
Blühende ObstbäumeBlühende Obstbäume
Here, the fields alternate with fruit trees and various crops. For that reason, we have a diverse and healthy natural world with colourful birdlife, insects, beetles, crawling animals and worms.

Grafting of trees

My brother in law has already grafted about 70 fruit trees. For this purpose he takes a certain variety of fast-growing trees, on which he grafted the desired fruits.

Veredelter ObstbaumVeredelter Obstbaum

During grafting – grafting process:

Veredelter ObstbaumVeredelter Obstbaum

Grafted young fruit trees:
Veredelter Obstbaum

As soon as the grafted saplings reach a certain size my brother in law plants the young grafted fruit trees on his land. After about five years these young trees already bear rich fruits.

My wish:
My father already had the knowledge of grafting from his father. I wish that this natural kind of change is also passed on to the next generation!