Old Tree Stock

During this past summer, large branches broke off several old fruit trees.

Cherry tree on the side of the path

Apricot tree behind the house with a large hole in the tree crown:

Cherry tree in the field:


Old but living fruit trees, bearing fruit
Pear tree: Hopefully, the tree will survive the coming autumn storms!!alter Obstbaum

Cherry tree: Despite the broken branches, it still bears sweet, ripe fruit!Obstbaum

INFO: Diese alten Obstbäume wurden vor Generationen von unseren Großeltern oder Urgroßeltern gepflanzt. Seit dieser Zeit haben sie viele Früchte getragen und Menschen ernährt. Auch wir wollen den nächsten Generationen durch neue Baumpflanzungen gesunde Obstbäume übergeben!

INFO: These old fruit trees were planted generations ago by our grandparents or our great grandparents. These trees have provided fruit and fed people over the years. By planting new trees, we would also like to pass on to the next generations healthy fruit trees!