
Re-forestation after Clearances

While on a walking tour, we passed a long and high pile of freshly felled trees at the side of the path. The pile of branches was equally as high, but twice as long. Around a corner there was a machine ready for further felling action.
Kein Kahlschlag

Fortunately in this piece of the forest, there was no clear-felled area. The re-forestation is moving ahead in an exemplary manner through natural growth on the one hand, and through targeted re-forestation and planting on the other.
Kein Kahlschlag

Spring Awakening

I can barely await the awakening of spring after the long winter. That’s why I particularly enjoy the sight of flowering fruit trees in the fields and meadows.
Blühende ObstbäumeBlühende Obstbäume
Here, the fields alternate with fruit trees and various crops. For that reason, we have a diverse and healthy natural world with colourful birdlife, insects, beetles, crawling animals and worms.

Nature pure – exemplary environmental initiatives

California – water is more costly than gold during the drought.
Water deliveries are necessary and the groundwater table is sinking ever lower.
People and agriculture have to change their habits.
Target: No more water wastage; move to less water intensive crops and plants.

EXPO in Milan – 1 May to 31 October 2015
World exhibition with emphasis on nutrition and quality of life of the people on earth
“Forest for all Senses” (“Wald mit allen Sinnen”) – Austrian contribution

Bees – Focus for 2015
Joint initiatives of the ORF, environmental and nature protection organizations
More information can be obtained from the following addresses:

VielfaltLEBEN” – Biodiversity Week, 16 May to 25 May 2015
Various activities will be held throughout the country drawing attention to the diversity of plants and animals in our environment.

There are many offerings in each province.
Check to see where and when activities are taking place in your area!

Theme Day: “Tree” – various media providing details on relevant themes!

Successful sensitization!
Various media provide information about our environment and take part in activities!
My family, friends and acquaintances observe the state of nature and also follow the public relations activities of the various media! They let me know about planting initiatives, rare natural events and also severe environmental damage!
Thank you to all for taking part!