
Frühjahr 2014 – Erste Baumpflanzung

Frühjahr 2014 erste BaumpflanzungEin netter Bekannter löste sein Versprechen ein und schickte mir ein Foto, wie er jetzt im März seinen ersten Baum pflanzt.

Möge ihm der Herzkirschenbaum viele süße Früchte schenken.

Als Obstbaum soll er ihm auch viel frische Luft und Schatten an heißen Tagen spenden.

Danke fürs Mitmachen!

Work to do in the winter

Gepflegte Obstplantage

Even in the winter there is plenty of work to do for the farmers and gardeners. Tree stocks are maintained, fruit plantations are cut and forests are felled.

BaumstämmeGesunde Holzstämme

Recently a timber transporter has drawn my attention to a felling. However, the felled trunks just reminded me of the healthy forest which I have seen standing right in front of me and which has pleased me one week ago. My husband reassured me and said that a timber has to be felled. Right.

Unfortunately, today most forest owners in my area don’t think about a specific reforestation with local trees. On the cleared areas they either leave „seminal trees“ or generally wait for „what just comes up„!


We still can enjoy a healthy nature and nice forest landscapes because our grandparents and parents didn’t spare the effort of reforestation. Will the children and grandchildren of our generation once blame us, because they don’t get inherited a healthy forest? I fear that in a hundred years – as long as a healthy forest needs to grow – our landscape is desolate.

Many people share this opinion! Especially in nature magazines I often find articles with similar fears for our environment and photos of cleared and devastated forest landscapes.

Spring action

Not only in autumn, but also in spring it’s a good time to plant a tree. Nurseries, garden centers and various markets continually offer affordable tree plants. However, now – in the winter, you have to consider WHERE you would like to plant WHICH tree or WHOM you can help with the planting.

Hopefully I can report in the spring about many plantations and reforestations. Of course, it’s definitely an effort, but it’s worth for the environment, for us and our children.