Trees around the house

Seltener Baum

From this rare tree not only the fruits, but also the blossoms and leaves are used for many purposes.


Neighbour’s garden – a beautiful sight
Gesunde Bäume


Unkempt garden next door – overgrown fruit-trees


Bright side: For the songbirds this “primeval forest” offers protection from birds of prey. Rose hips bloom magnificently in the spring and are natural bird food in the winter! To the surprise of our guests these overgrown fruit-trees provide a good hiding place for roebuck and roe deer even in broad daylight! Sometimes also for a roe deer and her fawn!


Chestnut tree

I always admire this tall tree, whenever I pass it! It stands in an open garden!


Lime tree

In winter we use the lime blossoms to make delicious tea.

Flourishing trees

FrühjahrsspaziergangDuring a walk in spring we were fascinated by the beauty of all the flourishing trees. Healthy und well maintained nature always makes us happy.

Flourishing fruit trees in spring

Flourishing Nectarine tree and refined Cherry tree in our own garden

Wrong! But even there is a flourishing tree in the middle of it!

Gorgeous, healthy landscape in spring!

Gepflegte NaturlandschaftWe wanted to make a contribution, so we planted a few trees this year. Please try to imitate!

Tip by a friend:
Take part in the local program called “Flurreinigung”

Work to do in the winter

Gepflegte Obstplantage

Even in the winter there is plenty of work to do for the farmers and gardeners. Tree stocks are maintained, fruit plantations are cut and forests are felled.

BaumstämmeGesunde Holzstämme

Recently a timber transporter has drawn my attention to a felling. However, the felled trunks just reminded me of the healthy forest which I have seen standing right in front of me and which has pleased me one week ago. My husband reassured me and said that a timber has to be felled. Right.

Unfortunately, today most forest owners in my area don’t think about a specific reforestation with local trees. On the cleared areas they either leave „seminal trees“ or generally wait for „what just comes up„!


We still can enjoy a healthy nature and nice forest landscapes because our grandparents and parents didn’t spare the effort of reforestation. Will the children and grandchildren of our generation once blame us, because they don’t get inherited a healthy forest? I fear that in a hundred years – as long as a healthy forest needs to grow – our landscape is desolate.

Many people share this opinion! Especially in nature magazines I often find articles with similar fears for our environment and photos of cleared and devastated forest landscapes.