Broken Ice in the Winter Forest

At Christmas, we did not have any snow, but we did have ice rain. Many tree crowns could not withstand the heavy weight of the ice and broke off. The pale, naked treetops could be seen from afar, but the afflicted trees had already been cleared for the most part.

The next generations will have far fewer forests available to them due to the year-round felling activities in our area and the lack of consequent re-forestation on behalf of the forest owners. Seed trees are the magic word of the day! “We did not undertake complete de-forestation” are the excuses of those who do not wish to re-forest.

Profit: yes – Effort: no!

For environmental reasons there is already a decline in forests around us. Will our children and grandchildren still be able to experience a proper mature forest?

Abgebrochene BaumwipfelAbgebrochene Baumwipfel

TIP: Open your eyes? You cannot purchase an intact nature from the supermarket!

Mama’s Christmas Tree

This Christmas, we decorated a modest fir tree taken from our garden, just like my Mama used to have when I was young. To the surprise of my family, all were invited to nibble the goodies from the tree, just like we used to do in my youth. After Christmas, the twigs of the tree were used to cover the rose bushes.


TIP: Even non-perfect trees have their charm!

Trees instead of Jewellery

“Why don’t you buy some jewellery with that money?” asked my husband when I told him about my tree project. But my heart was set on the trees!
At Christmas, he surprised me with a really beautiful tree ornament with the words: “You’ll like your present, it suits you!” I was overwhelmed! Thank you!!