Planting a Young Forest

Another nephew immediately undertakes re-forestation after the felling of a mature forest. With the help of his parents he planted one thousand five hundred forest trees in the autumn. He wants to have a mixed forest again, so he planted oak, larch and fir tree seedlings. He frequently checks on the growth of his trees and any eventual damage caused by forest animals. He often informs me of the progress of his venture, happy in the knowledge that he has contributed to the maintenance of a healthy environment. On our next forest walk, we will take some photos and include them.

Thank you for the successful re-forestation!


A dear friend and acquaintance of mine had a lot of storm damage and completely cleared his forest and subsequently re-forested it. He used seedlings bought from the neighbouring tree nursery: 200 saplings comprising 50 each copper beeches, maple trees, birch trees and cherry trees.
My friend not only wants to contribute to maintaining a healthy environment, he also wants his two grandchildren to inherit a vigorous forest.











Thank you for your contribution to the next generation!

Grafting of trees

My brother in law has already grafted about 70 fruit trees. For this purpose he takes a certain variety of fast-growing trees, on which he grafted the desired fruits.

Veredelter ObstbaumVeredelter Obstbaum

During grafting – grafting process:

Veredelter ObstbaumVeredelter Obstbaum

Grafted young fruit trees:
Veredelter Obstbaum

As soon as the grafted saplings reach a certain size my brother in law plants the young grafted fruit trees on his land. After about five years these young trees already bear rich fruits.

My wish:
My father already had the knowledge of grafting from his father. I wish that this natural kind of change is also passed on to the next generation!